

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

In My Defense :)

I am terribly sorry if any of you read Taija Applegate's post about being Facebook and Cell phone blocked. Yes, it is about me and yes, it says my name right in the text. My comment on her Facebook post said EXACTLY this, "Nope, I can't! Because I am a good daughter and I am going to church with my mother so she doesn't have to sit alone." How the heck does that translate into "You are a bad daughter and a terrible person for not being LDS" Here is just some of her post if you care to read. I warn about the content though, there are some choice words used here:

"then the stupid bitch has the nerve to send me a text judging my character and throwing previous actions in my face...." Which did happen because her text message said "Grow some balls and tell me what you really think... So I did :)
"If you have something to say grow up and say it to me, instead of saying it to Facebook, where i'm clearly unable to defend myself due to the fact that you deleted me,and your blog..."  I tried talking to her about it on Facebook before this whole thing blew up but she is too stubborn to see that. I also tried calling her, but she wouldn't answer her phone. Yes, I did delete her from Facebook and block her messages because she was saying mean things that I didn't care to read. But no honey, I didn't delete my blog :) I would never do that.
"I listen to their problems and am not judgemental nor do I shove religion down their throat..."  I've never talked about religion with Taija in my ENTIRE life, so nice try
"I definitely know that you're the more dramatic one considering all the drama you've ever started in school, through the internet, and through out mutual friends...." Give me one example! What have I started?

"People have sex, it doesn't make them a bad person. And in case you were wondering, in the past two years I've only had sex with three people. So I doubt that makes me a whore..." I never once said someone was bad for having sex?

"But I hope you having accomplished being a pathetic, two-faced, drama causing, unable to face her own problems so has to delete my number bitch, completes your life. Go pray because you definitely need to repent :)..." 1. I didn't delete your number honey, I still have it and have been trying to call you. You,however, will not pick up your phone. 2. I pray day and night, but thanks for the reminder! 3. Aren't you being the same right now? Two-faced because just the day before all this happened we were hanging out? Pathetic for not letting this go that same night it happened. Drama causing because you're in high school? Why do I care what you say to other people in the school about this whole thing? I'm done there! Unable to face your problems because you won't answer the phone.

So this is my defense because feels like she needs to bash on me on every social network site instead of answering the phone so we can talk this out like rational adults. Whatever, this way works too. 


  1. I'm so sorry this happened! Fall outs with friends are never fun.

  2. Well you see... we weren't ever really friends. She is friends with my two best friends and my best friends little sister. So we would hang out when we were with them and what not but never really friends haha so it doesn't bother me all that much! :) Thanks for the support though girl! You're the best!!
