

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Value of an Education

Head start. 
Jr. High. 
Post Secondary. 
What do all these words have in common.....?

They are all forms of school/education! Every single person reading this post right now has had some form of education, whether formal or informal. Someone, somewhere has taken the time and has taught you how to read. HOW COOL IS THAT?! Love letters, the newspaper, instructions, road signs and maps... sooo many things are available to you because you can read!

Now... imagine life without that ability. imagine not being able to read.... do a math problem... knowing how to speak properly... Being able to learn facts in our history or knowing who the current president is.It's crazy how often we take education and oh so often! There have been so many times, while being away at school, the phrase, "I hate school!" has slipped from my lips. That as well as, "Why am I doing this to myself?", "This is stupid!", and "That's it, I'm dropping out and becoming a stripper!". It's always been expected of me to go to school. NO EXCEPTIONS. Maybe that's why I've felt this way at time? Maybe I was just feeling a load of pressure on myself at the time? It's taken me 4 years of schooling to FINALLY understand and really appreciate my education! 

It slammed me today during a presentation in my Women and Gender studies course on Culture. We were discussing the importance of education as well as the average salary of a college graduate versus a high school graduate. I started a "big kid" job yesterday with full time hours ,benefits and higher pay than I've ever received from any job I've worked so far. When I was going in for my interview, a girl from one of my college classes was walking out. We were talking the next day in class about how our interviews went and if we were going to accept the job or not. Another girl that sits by us asked if it was good pay. The other girl that interviewed said that she would get $10/hr. When I was interviewing, the supervisor told me that I would get $11/hr because I already have my Associates degree and then my pay would go up once I finish my last two classes and receive my Bachelor's. Also, that one little thing was the thing that put me above all of the other applicants and landed me the job. 

Never have I been so thankful for this college experience! Never have I been so grateful for all of the stress, caffeine, tears, debt, late nights and struggling! I am sooooo thankful that I have been able to go to college for so long, regardless of the amount of student loans I have racked up! I am so thankful for having the opportunity to go to school on such a beautiful campus and meet some of the most incredible people! My father has always said, "It will pay off. I promise you it will eventually pay off!" I am now starting to see it pay off little by little and I am so so happy and thankful for that!

Until Next Time, "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." -- Aristotle

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