

Sunday, June 14, 2015


I thought that starting with the theme song and music video from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. was the perfect way  to introduce today's post. The video is adorable and I feel like it's something my friends and I would make. The lyrics are also the story of my life: 

You're still in bed at ten and work began at eight
You've burned your breakfast so far things are going great
Your mother warned you there'd be days like these
But she didn't tell you when the world
Has brought you down to your knees that

I'll be there for you
When the rains starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cause you're there for me too!

I know I have said it time and time again but I am completely and utterly head over heels in love with my friends. Each and every single one of them mean the absolute world to me and there isn't anything in the world that I wouldn't do for any of them. I don't know what I did in Heaven or on this Earth to have them by my side because I don't deserve any of them, but I thank my Heavenly Father for them each and every day! I'm feeling rather emotional this Sunday and incredibly humble and thankful for the people I have met recently and I need to express my gratitude for them.

Aaaaaand, this is the point in the post where I spotlight them individually and try to shed a little light on how much they mean to me (if that's even possible to do)

First and foremost, my absolute best friend in the entire world: Mary Brooke Martinos Olsen! She is my person and has been for 9 years. She knows everything about me and probably more than I know about myself. She's my go to for everything. Every secret, every crush, every sin, every success, every hope, every dream, E V E R Y T H I N G ! My world could be shattering around me and she'd be there to make me smile through the tears. I love her more than words can ever express and more than she will ever comprehend! I'm convinced that no one is as lucky as me because they don't have her to call their BFF. I literally could go on for hours about this girl but I'll leave what I have above because she knows it all, already! 

And of course, her hilarious, adorable, wonderful husband who I adore the crap out of for loving her as much as he does (and as much as I do!) There haven't been many guys in her life that I have liked and Jonathan has given me every reason to do the opposite. I love him to pieces and I'm so grateful she has him!  

Our sweet Tara has been by our sides for this crazy journey as well! The Fantastic 4 is what I always thought of the 3 of us and our beloved Jenna. We got in trouble together, did stupid and reckless things together and laughed together until our guts hurt. Tara is one of the most adventurous people I have ever met. She's willing to drop everything in a second whenever a fun opportunity arrives. She has such a free spirit and I've always envied that about her. She's absolutely gorgeous and I am incredibly lucky to call her a best friend. I haven't seen her in so long but I am grateful for her every day of my life, as well! 

Coming to college, I NEVER would've guessed that I would have made some of my absolute best friends and favorite people here. Having been here for 4 years, I am 10000% sure that I have met the best people that this campus has to offer, if not the entire state!
You three have been three of the best things that have happened to me at school! I would call you out individually but I feel like all of our hilarious or memorable moments were when we were all together or it happened with three of us and then we Facetimed or texted to fill the fourth person in! I'm sooooo glad I was friends with Bradley before two years ago so we all could meet. I love staying up way too late laughing about things that aren't even funny but are somehow hilarious with all of us. I love talking endlessly about boys and how much drama we seem to think they cause. I love making up completely inappropriate nicknames and end up sticking and all the inside jokes that we've come across. I cannot wait for you all to be back with Mama Tay this coming school year (Yes, Chas-hole, that means you too! CHOOSE WEBER BABY GIRL!) Love you girls to pieces! Thanks for being my ride or die girls!

These handsome devils below make up my favorite apartment of boys in Pine View; the studs of apartment 38! I've spent many hours in their living room have pillow talks as well as laughing my guts out. Each of these boys have blessed my life more than they know in one way or another. Mr. Spackman: You are one of the most genuine guys that I have ever met in my life. You have an incredibly kind heart and have a knack for making people feel needed and loved. Thank you for all of the awful puns that I think are hilarious anyway as well as all the time we've spent in the car and at the kitchen table surfing through country songs. Thank you for always listening to my rants and giving me the advice that I need to hear and for making me feel good about my cooking skills! I love you Aust!  Dusty Buns: Dust, you too, are one of the kindest people I have ever met. I don't think I've ever heard a foul word or insult escape from your lips about anyone. The example you set for me in that aspect will always be something I admire about you. I loved learning about all the instruments you know how to play throughout the year as well as listening to you sing with your angel voice. I'm glad we got to be twins for a night and loved that we could not make a straight face in a single picture for a solid ten minutes. Thanks for always making me feel good about myself with all the compliments. I love you Dust! Brycee Babe: Never have I ever met a bigger flirt than you or someone who is so fun to flirt with! I remember the first day I met you, after we got back from Taste of Logan, I thought to myself, "Well that was fun.... hope we can be friends with this kid past today!" and look at us now! I love being able to say just about anything to you and you not taking my crap; you're super quick with your comebacks with me! Thanks for always being ready and willing to jump at any chance to help me when I need you. Thanks for making me laugh after I had passed out on my kitchen floor... made recuperation much easier! I love you Bryce! Dill Picks: Dillon, Dillon, Dillon.... You're a punk! And you know it! You can make me laugh harder than just about anyone I know! Some of my favorite memories from this last school year involve you playing your guitar and all our peeps just sitting around and singing together. Thanks for randomly showing up to our apartment to talk for five minutes and never calling before showing up to Home Teach me! I know I could always get hugs from you followed by the tough love that I needed to hear! Thanks for sharing your twerking skills with me! I can't wait to see you again when we come out to California in August! Miss you and love you so much Dill! Mitchellina: I feel like you were hardly ever home and when you were, you were home for a few minutes and then you were leaving again for something on campus or at the church. Some of my favorite memories of you are when we'd all be awake WAY too late and the random things that would come out of your mouth... They were all SO freaking funny! I also loved going to Beto's with you at 3:30 in the morning.... seriously, who thought that was a good idea? Thanks for always making me feel loved and for hugging me every time I came into the room! You're the best Mitchell, I love you! Phteven: Phteven, the Almighty Little Hand... that's what your name is in my phone and I feel like it absolutely perfect! I remember hearing ALL about you before you even lived in PineView! The boys talked about you non stop and made us all really excited for you to finally show up and move in! I remember thinking how nice you were and how funny you were! Thanks for always chatting with me whenever I came into the room and letting me be apart of yours and SJ's engagement party! I wish you two all the very best in the world; you deserve it! I love you Steve!


These beautiful ladies adopted me at semester break when my MK moved to China and Whip was always studying for classes! I would always wander into their apartment and they were always doing something fun and would invite me in. Thanks for always making me laugh and for letting me vent to you about all of my problems, especially work! I wanna wish luck to all the girls going on missions and for the ones who aren't, I really hope to see you soon! Thank you for everything gorgeous gals! 

Have to give a shout out to my second family here in Logan as well!  Thank you Chase, Mason, Tay, Emma girl and Jaden for being apart of my life and Karen and Val for sharing your kids with me! I love them and you both like crazy!!

I love this girl to pieces and I miss being her roommate! I love driving around the entire valley with her and her cute family, late night talks when we should be sleeping and all of our various inside jokes! I love you so much Sarah Burton! Miss you like crazy baby girl!

 Aaaaaand last but not least, these handsome fellas here! I'm so thankful to have met them a few years back and that we've remained friends since! You boys are the absolute best and I thank you for all the memories and GREAT times! 

I have been far too blessed in my lifetime and this isn't even close to the entire list of people I am thankful for, it only scratches the surface! If you are in my life and not mentioned here, just know that I adore the crap out of you and thank you for your influence in my life!

Until Next Time, "The people who influence you are the people who believe in you." -- Henry Drummond

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