

Sunday, November 13, 2011

When the Whole Fam Damily Gets Together!

Well.... this post is about the weekend of the 21-23 of October... a little late but in the words of Snooki... "What're ya gonna do?" I went home on Friday with.... Uh... now it's been so long, I don't remember who. Pretty sure it was Bethany, after her late class but don't remember for sure. Anywhooser... I went home on Friday and I was super stoked to get to sleep because the next morning was when my whole family was coming up to celebrate the October birthdays!! I love October! It means Halloween, scary things, my birthday, trick-or-treating and costumes! But I got up pretty early on Saturday morning because I had to help clean the house before the fam got there! But soon they all arrived and we got stuff out and ready for lunch. We were having bread bowls with soup... YUM! After eating we were all sitting in the living room talking while the little kids were down on the Wii or outside playing. If you ask anyone who knows my family, they will tell ya that they are loud and obnoxious and rude and annoying most of the time... BUT THAT'S WHY I LOVE THEM!!!! So naturally a wrestling match ensued right in the middle of my living room... which is VERY small, especially for wrestling!

We obviously make sure the fights are equal in age and size! 

Note to self... When you have male cousins coming over, make sure your food is gone before they arrive. Otherwise, you will lose half if not more of it to them :)

                                         Mama made this cute cake for me! Isn't she GREAT?! 

Until next time.... "Remember.... as far as anyone else knows... we are a nice normal family" ;)


  1. Haha thanks, now its on the internet how crazy our family is...

  2. Of course!! Anyone who knows us would agree :) haha Love you Ky!
