I remember when my parents gave my older sister and I t-shirts that said "I'm going to be a big sister" and "I'm going to be a big sister (again)" to announce to us that my mother was pregnant. I was really excited about it because it had just been my older sister and I for a really long time. My parents didn't find out that they were having a boy so I didn't know that I was FINALLY getting a brother until the day that he was born and I was vising my mother in the hospital. I remember thinking how tiny he was and how happy I was that I would be able to teach him so many things.
Fast forward 16 years to when I was reading
this article about all of the things that we as sisters realize when our baby brother grows up. I'll be honest, I teared up about half way through reading it. As my baby brother grew up and as I grew up with him, I started to realize just how great the kid is and just how much I adore him. As he became one of my best friends, I realized these things that the article talks about as well:
1. He Will Outgrow You: Brother and I would stand up next to each other every time I came to visit during my college years... just to make sure that he wasn't taller than me yet. One particular October my father said, "Come Christmas time, he'll have you beat!" I laughed and said no way.... but I was wrong! He now towers over by at five foot ten inches, I believe!

Teenage Boy Sass is a Real Thing: When brother was just entering the teen years, this really wasn't applicable. It was around 14 and 15 that he really started having an attitude! If I had a dollar for every time I said, "Wow! Okay sassy!", I would be a millionaire. He has a very kind heart though so his sass level really isn't even that high.

He Will go Through a Phase When He is Too Cool for You: I beg to differ on this one! Brother is 16 years old and he has yet to go through this phase. He lets me hug him in public, says he loves me (when I say it to him first), chooses to ride in the car with me over my parents... Lots of things like that. I have seen him not need me for as many things as he used to but with my brother, I don't think this one even applies!
He Will Begin to Form His Own Opinions, and He is Actually Really Smart: It's a little different with brother and myself on this one. I haven't lived at home for 6 years so naturally he was going to get smarter over time and start having his own opinions. I guess I just didn't realize just how quickly he could get so smart. Every time I visit him, he impresses me with something new!

No Girl Will Ever be Good Enough for Him: Brother is brand baby new in the dating world since he only turned 16 in August buuuuuut that doesn't mean we aren't used to him and all his little girlfriends! He's had admirers since he was young because, I mean, look at him! He's a doll :) He wanted to introduce one of his friend's to our family this summer when we took a trip to Lagoon. I remember talking with my mother about it and I kept saying, "I don't like her already, I don't like her already!". My mother would have to keep reminding me that I didn't even know her yet and that I needed to be nice to her when she came by. In my head, however, I kept thinking, "I don't care who she is, she's trying to date my brother which means I don't like her." I agree with this one 100%

He Has Your Back: I haven't been in a situation, that I can think of anyway, where brother would need to have my back or stand up for me. That being said, just because the situation has never arisen, I know he would have my back through anything I needed him for. He's fiercely loyal and I know I could count on him for anything!
People Will Think He is Your Boyfriend and Vice Versa: This literally happened to me yesterday! I got asked if the boy in my profile picture on Facebook (-----> that one over there) was my boyfriend! I chuckled a little bit as this is not the first time I have been asked this. I don't know about his experience but I've definitely had my fair share. For the record, NO! I am not dating him. He is my brother! haha!!

Every Year He Turns Another Year Older, You Freak Out Because You Remember How Old You Felt When You Were His Age, and it is Not Possible for Him to be That Old: I never thought about this until about two or three years ago when time literally jumped into warp speed. I often times will talk with my mother about new things that my siblings are doing. Brother, for example, has his license and his own truck. When did he become old enough for that?! He can go on dates and has a curfew and goes out with friends on Friday nights... I see him as my favorite little ten year old... Not this handsome skyscraper that is old enough for friends and high school games and girls and cars!

You Are His Biggest Fan: Wherever he chooses to go to college, whatever his career aspirations are, whoever he decides to date then marry...... No matter what decision this boy makes, I'll will be by his side 100% and then some! I will do everything in my power to reach his dreams and if I can't help, I'll be cheering him on the entire time!
He is Your Best Friend: This one is pretty self-explanatory on its own. I consider this kid one of my best friends! I can tell him anything, we have inside jokes and we're both really sarcastic with each other. But we both know that we love each other and at the end of the day, we will always have a best friend!

You Will Always Worry About Him: Whenever I call my house, I always ask to talk to my brother (if he's not busy on this phone or with the television). Talking to a 16 year old teenage boy on the phone is not the easiest task and I usually only got one or two word responses out of him, but at least he knows I care about how he is doing and how life is going. I worry about him from my house in Logan because I can't be the "uncool" sister that bugs him all the time.... aaaand if I need any info on him, that's what mom is for!
No Matter How Old He Gets, He Will Always be Your Baby Brother: For anyone that knows me, they know I don't call brother by his first name.... ever! I actually said Ashton once when talking with one of my roommates and she had to ask who I was talking about. I told her that my brother's name is Ashton and she says, "I know that... but you never call him by his name. It's always baby brother." And that is still true to this day. He's been called baby brother by me so many times, he's gotten really good at responding to it quickly, just like it's his own name. I will still be calling him baby brother at his Jr. Prom, his wedding, his children's weddings and so on.

I love having a brother and quite honestly, I'm glad he's my only brother. I'm thankful for him in my life. I'm thankful that he's down for adventures or Pokemon hunting anytime of the day. I'm thankful that he has a dry sense of humor like I do. I'm thankful for our friendship and the influence he is in my life. I'm thankful for our multiple FaceTimes where we make the ugliest faces and screen shot each other! I'm thankful for a travel buddy just so we can jam to country music, even if we're only going a few blocks over. I'm thankful that he's willing to take selfies with me multiple times because "that one sucked!". Baby brother, if you've read this far (which I doubt you will), know that I love you immensely and I thank Heavenly Father every day for giving you to me!
Until Next Time, "After a girl is grown, her little brothers-- now her protectors-- seem like big brothers." -- Terri Guillemets