There was one exhibit in particular that really pulled at my heart strings. In one of the corners of the museum was a single tree with lots and lots of things hanging from it. Out of curiosity I walked over to it and saw the sign that said, "The Wishing Tree" on it. I also realized that the things hanging from the tree were little tags with wishes that people had written. Next to the tree was a little table with the tags and pencils and a sign that said, What do you wish for....?". I instantly thought about all the wishes that I assumed were on the tree like, "I wish for a million dollars", "I wish to be skinnier/prettier", or "I wish to have some really nice car". I started reading some of the tags on the tree and boy, was I wrong!

As I sat and read through all of the wishes on the tree, I was so overcome with emotion. I was so sad for all the people who have such big wishes; safety, loved ones to return home safely, to be reunited with people they've lost.... At the same time, I was so thankful that I myself have never needed any of those to be my wishes. I have been so incredibly blessed in this life to live the life I do, love the people I love and to be apart of the family and friends that I have. I have nothing to complain about and very few things to feel sorry for myself for. The wishing tree had been on my mind for the entire rest of the day and throughout the couple of days that followed. I started to think about what I would wish for if I really did have a wish or multiple.

- I would wish for a lifetime of happiness for my mother and father. I would wish for them to understand how much my siblings and I really do love and appreciate everything they've done for us because, at most times, it feels like words could never be enough to express what they mean to us. I would wish for them to feel that all of their effort is acknowledged and appreciated.
- I would wish for another week or even just a couple of days with my sweet Landon Leo. There were so many times during his battle that I wished so badly that I could be with him and help ease his pain if at all possible. To be able to sit with him, hold his hand, to be able to wrap my arms around him, just to be able to talk to him face to face. To be with him and to spend time with him one last time was my only Christmas wish that year. I would wish for his life to be prolonged just a little bit longer so I could've somehow found a way to get out to see him.
- I would wish for all of the families with members struggling with addiction would be able to feel comfort during such a dark time in their life. I would wish for them to be able to find strength and solace in the love of Christ and the repentance process. I would wish for them to not give up on those members who are struggling to and be able to be strong enough for that member as well as the rest of the family, as hard as that would be.
- I would wish for couples that are going through a divorce would be able to leave things on happier terms. Sometimes two people fall out of love and filing for a divorce is what's best for them, their children if applicable, and what's best for their emotional and physical well being. I wish for those couples to be able to part ways as friends, if possible. I wish for the children of divorce to never feel sad or like the divorce was their fault. Children can hear it over and over again but can still not believe it. I wish that all of those children who have ever felt like they were the cause, to know without a shadow of a doubt that these things are not happening because of them and that they are still loved equally by both parents.
- I would wish that mankind as a whole would have a better understanding and more compassion toward people with mental disorders. Mental disorders are a very real thing and I have seen first hand how they can influence a person's life as well as all of the people around them. I would wish for all of those people suffering with disorders would seek help and the people they went to seek help from would understand and treat them with dignity and respect; from one human being to another. Just because you may not personally be dealing with what another person is, doesn't mean they deserve to be treated any less than human.
- I would wish for every single one of my girls that I work with to be able to see themselves through my eyes so they could understand just how absolutely beautiful they are inside as well as the outside. I would wish for them to feel what I feel in my heart when they're sharing their successes as well as what I feel when they are crying and confiding in me. I would wish for them to know how much I truly and utterly love each and every one of them regardless of what their past looks like. I would wish for them to know that they mean something to so many people, especially me. I would wish for them to learn how to deal with their emotions and how to not take their anger and frustrations out on their body. I would wish for them to see how strong they are and how far they've come in life. They survived, they're alive and they are getting help that they need. I would wish for them to be able to look in the mirror and honestly be able to say to themselves, "Wow.... I have been through so much in my life, but damn! I am a freaking warrior! Look at where I am at now!"
- I would wish for my siblings to know that I would do absolutely everything in my power to protect them. I would wish for those three people to know that they come before everyone else and that I love them so very dearly. I would wish for them to be able to come to me with anything whether it's a problem, a struggle, a sin or a crime and I will stand by them and help them through whatever the situation may be.
- And finally, I would wish to be remembered for something great. I would wish to be remembered as someone who was a great volunteer or someone who was trustworthy. I would wish for people to think of all of the good I did when my name is said aloud. I would wish for people to remember me by my loyalty or how I was always there when they needed a friend. I would wish to be remembered by my kindness in my actions. I would wish to be remembered as something great!
Until Next Time, "There's no point having wishes if you don't at least try to do them!" -- Sally Nicholls