My mother is absolutely beautiful. She knows everything there is to know about being a mother. She can clean up after sick kids in the middle of the night without getting sick herself. She plays chauffeur to everyone in my family so she is constantly on the go. She can tell if there is something on my mind that I need to talk about with a simple text message. She isn't unappreciated although appreciation may not be shown to her on a daily basis. She taught me to drive in her own truck, regardless of all the grey hairs that I caused. She is one of the hardest working women that I know and I admire her for that. She is the world's fastest typer, I think I get my skills from her. She is a big softy when it comes to our kitty, even though she says he's dumb most of the time. Thankfully, she has taught me everything she knows about cooking and cleaning, my husband will thank her one day for it. She's seen me at my absolute worst and she has seen my at my absolute best and has remained proud of me at any state of being that I am in. We've had our fair share of fights and yes, the majority of the time, she's been right. She's always been there to dry my tears. When she couldn't dry them, she cried with me. One of my favorite past times is driving and singing country music together. Whenever I smell cinnamon and pine cones, I think of her and how she's decorated our house for Christmas. There is no telling where I would be today without such a strong example and influence in my life. I love my mother more than anything on this planet and I can't even begin to explain how thankful I am to call her mine! I love you to the moon and back, mama! :)
There is one guy that will have my heart forever(Alight, there's 2 if you count my brother), and it's this man right here! He's incredibly calm and loves peace and quiet. Often times, I'll walk into the living room and see him standing at the front window just looking outside. He's says it's much more interesting than staring at four walls all day. He is an incredibly hard worker. He is my personal ATM. I wouldn't be in college now if it weren't for his belief in me to succeed. He's incredibly educated and has degrees from many different schools. There's no way my family would even be existent without him and his constant support. He may not be my biological father, but he might as well be. He loved and supported me like his own for as long as I can remember. For years and years, I wanted nothing to do with him, but he loved me regardless. After growing up and FINALLY realizing that he wasn't the bad guy in the situation, I had a complete change of heart. I've never been more rotten to a person in my life and I've never felt more awful about it after. If I could go back and change things, I would in a heart beat. But I am doing my best to make up for it now. He is the one that I miss the most when I am away at school. Often times, I'll get random e-mails from him wishing me luck on tests or interviews and they make my entire week. I don't tell him thank you enough, but THANK YOU dad! Thank you for being my dad, my example of a hard worker and for always being there to support me! I too, love you to the moon and back!
L O V E my cute parents! :) Also, while looking through these pictures, I noticed that my father is always on the left side and my mother is always on the right.... random coincidence...??
Until Next Time, "Parents are like God because you wanna know they're out there, and you want them to think well of you, but you really only call when you need something." -- Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters