I honestly never thought it could happen.... I never in my life thought that I could experience a better year at USU than my freshman year. But alas, I have been proven wrong. My sophomore year at school was the best year that I have ever experienced in my life! I met some of the most incredible people, made some amazing memories and found some of the best friends a person could ask for! So here is my shout out to all of the wonderful people that have graced my life with their presence:
Jessica Williams: Jess, you are seriously so beautiful! I would always be jealous of the outfits that you would wear to church and think, "She's rockin' that outfit today!" Also, you and Brenna would always make me laugh no matter what you were doing... especially while playing volleyball together!
Matt Tenney, Caleb Adams and Wesley Richins:
Matt- You, my dear, are a doll! Molly is one lucky lady! Congratulations on your engagement and I wish you all the happiness in your marriage! Thanks so much for always saying hi and asking how I was while passing each other in the lobby!
Caleb- Has anyone ever told you that you look like Johnny Bravo from Cartoon Network...?? Because that's who you remind me and my roommates of! I'm kinda bummed that we didn't get to know each other very well until the last few weeks of school but I am happy for the time we did get to hang out when we played volleyball and had game night upstairs! Oh, and you're a stud!
Wesley: I know this might be a weird thing to start with, but I love your name! It's been one of my favorite names for as long as I can remember! You're adorable and way funny! I loved getting to know you a little better this year, even if it was only a few weeks before we all left. Aaaaand your sign during the game 'Signs' was my favorite one to pass!
Steph Harris: Steph, You are gorgeous! You are also a beast at volleyball! I don't know many people who can constantly make me laugh at every single thing they say, but you are one of them! I am glad I got to know you this last semester and I wish you all the best on your mission! You're going to rock it!
Paige Brown, Whitney Jenkins, Kaydee Jensen and Tenille Holmes:
Whit- Thanks for driving us all to Vernal and back :) Thanks for putting up with us in the back seat for 8 hours! Oh and thanks for introducing me to Les Mis, even if I didn't sit and watch it that one afternoon when there were LOADS of people in my apartment! I did eventually watch the entire thing and loved it!
Paige- I'm really glad that I have someone else to laugh at Tenille with without being judged! Whether we're laughing WITH her or laughing AT her, it's been a blast!
Kaydee & Tenille- I have to put the two of you together because it's weird to have you separate! You girls are fantastic! You're both gorgeous and I love listening to you two talk to each other! The things you say are so funny, I could sit and listen for hours! T, I don't know how your roommates handled you all year because of how hilarious you are! I definitely would have been in stitches the entire year! Thanks for being my friend ladies, you all are amazing!
Skyler Martinson, Riley Brown, Shaun McBride, Nathan Adams: You all are STUDS!
Josh Hancey & Josh Capener:
Capener- I loved when you would come into our apartment, even if you were looking for any or all of my other roommates! You are so stinkin' cute :) Oh and I don't think I ever asked, but how was the Slurpee you got before we went off roading? How many flavors did it have? 10, I think...??
Hancey- I really appreciate you not killing us when we almost rolled your truck.... scariest moment of my life! Oh, and thanks for keeping us safe when we decided to go camping at midnight... even though you were the one who terrified us in the first place!
Annie Knight, Cassie Haslam, Sara Mason, Jaci Judd:
You ladies are so fun and so beautiful!
Cassie- seeing all of your posts on FB to Sara and Jaci crack me up! I sit and laugh out loud and the people around me think I'm crazy! Seriously soooo funny!
Sara- You're really good at 4 Guys on a Couch! haha a lot of it is remembering who's who but somehow you always ended up on the couch and never moved!
Jaci- thanks for inviting me to game nights! I had so much fun and loved getting to know you and your roommates! I'm SOO glad that you'll be in Pine View again! Let's play more this upcoming school year!
Annie- Girl, I adore you! I'm so glad we got to know each other a little bit this year! I have always been incredibly envious of your hair, it's fantastic! Thanks for listening to me go on and on about boys, you're the best!
Ellena Limb Fletcher: You, my dear, are beautiful! Congratulations again on your wedding, Max is one lucky guy!
Kohlton Nelson, Logan Leaming, Max Fletcher, Jared Campbell:
Kohlee- Your Insta is probably my favorite account that I follow! Your pictures crack me up and you have the cleverest hashtags! You're adorable and I'm glad you moved in at semester! Also, you have some killer dance moves! Mardi Gras was so fun!
Logan- Logan, Logan, Logan.... I love you kid! I remember meeting you for the first time when our ward went to the Brigham temple open house and our room walked through with you and Max! Thanks for letting me come in and out of your apartment at will and for always letting me borrow your broom! You're not living too far away next year, so I expect to see you lots!
Maxie- My favorite memory of you is probably the one of you checking out your own backside in the mirror at the temple! Do you remember that?! Marlee and I were walking behind you at the open house and we were stopped in front of a mirror for a minute or two. You turned around and were checking yourself out! Then you saw that Marlee and I noticed you doing it and you acted like it was on purpose, like you did it to make us laugh! hahaha oh my, so funny to me still! Anyway, thanks for being a friend Max! Good luck with the married life! I wish you all the happiness in the world!
Jared- Seriously, SMALL WORLD STATUS! That night that Chase was talking about you to me will always make me laugh! "His name is Elder Campbell, his first name is Jared." "SHUT UP!! HE LIVES ACROSS THE HALL FROM ME!" Also, congratulations again on your transformation! Lookin' good my friend :)
Layni Leaming: You have some of the cutest outfits I have ever seen! Also, thanks for letting Shan and I tag along with you a little at Mardi Gras! It was great meeting you this year! :)
Heather Greene: You, my dear, are a doll! I loved getting to see you this year and to see what adorable outfit you had put together for that day!
Josh Knowles: Josh, I'm glad you decided to stay friends with me even after you saw how good I was at volleyball ;) And after seeing how ridiculous and childish I can be when Shan and I are together that early in the morning! haha No, but seriously, that class was the bomb! Don't be a stranger, keep in touch kid
Taylor Stosich: STO! Thanks so much for inviting us to that bonfire that you had! I think that night I talked to you more than I have the entire year... my bad! But I did miss seeing your cute face around my apartment!
Nathan Coonen, Andrew Coonen, Will Shugart:
NEIGHBORS!!!! Don't even deny it..... you miss hearing that being yelled across the hall when ya'll got back home from being out! I don't know why we didn't really hang out with you guys first semester, makes me sad thinking about it now :( Buuuuut, we are friends now, and that's what matters! Thanks for letting me, Shandee and Erin play Call of Duty (I think that's what we played...) You know we rocked it! Also, now I know NEVER to play ANY game on your guys' laptops unless I want to be freaked out of my mind! ;) I miss you guys terribly and I hope to see you around this next year!
Denise Simmons, Bradley Reynolds. Dakotah Holmes and Laci Reynolds:
Denise- CONGRATULATIONS on your engagement gorgeous girl! I wish you and Benjamin all the happiness in the world! I loved having you come visit Shandster and getting to know her best friend a little better! I'm sure we'll be seeing ya!
Bradley & Kooter- I am SOOOO excited for the two of you to be moving to Logan and going to USU next year! You're going to have a blast, I know it! It was fun having kind of roommates again when you guys came and stayed on the concert weekend! I don't know what ya'll decided to do about housing, but I hope you chose Pine View and got in! If so, let the party begin!
Laci- You. Are. Stunning. Seriously, every time I see a new picture on FB or Instagram, I get jealous all over again! You can rock any style or color of hair like nobody's business! I'm glad we got to meet and hang out a little when we came to visit Vernal!
Allen Abplanalp and Chelen Sheffield:
Allen Baby- Apartment Big Brother! I'm not quite sure how you feel about that title but that's what I would consider you! I'm really glad we got to have that long chat last time you were up at my apartment! You're such a great listener and you're even better at giving advice! Thanks for all of the laughs and memories! I'm sure I'll be seeing you!
Chel- Good thing I knew almost every thing there was to know about you before I had even met you! Shandee would talk about you non-stop and it just made me that much more excited to finally get to meet you! The countdown for you to get home was torture; seemed like it took forever! But I'm glad you came and stayed with Allen for the weekend, even if you did hang Harry and Moo from the ceilings... punk! Also, thanks for showing us the ways of a Vernalite when we came and stayed that one weekend! You're great, Chel and like Allen, I'm sure I'll be seeing you as well!
Andi Barlow: Andi girl! I miss our volleyball class so much! I miss getting to chat with you in class and at softball. Ok, funny story! I had absolutely NO idea that you had gone on a mission until like the last month of school When Shandee told me, I didn't believe her! haha I was like shut up... she's an RM?! Anyway, glad we met!
Brendon Stagg & Nicholas Furch:
Brendy Cakes- I MISS YOU AND NICHOLAS! Seriously, it's been way too long since I've seen you cute kids! I am grateful that you're such good friends with Nick so that I could meet and become friends with you. Even though you listen to weird ass music, I loved watching you and Nick dance around to it! That was entertaining! OH! and you guys still owe me for coming to pick you up from Wal-Mart at midnight! haha Love you kid! Hopefully I'll be seeing you soon!
Nicholas- Nicholas, I am sooo glad you decided to call me that one night in like January.. February? Whenever it was! I'm glad you convinced me to come down to Beto's to meet up with you and Brendon! I was honestly so terrified that it was going to be extremely awkward and uncomfortable when actually, it was like nothing had changed. We were still little 7th grade best friends! And then we hung out every single day for the next week because my roommates were all gone and I had no friends haha thanks for being there for that! Also, thanks for being such an incredible friend. If I needed to talk, vent, cry or laugh, I knew I could call you at any time of the night or day and you'd be there. I appreciate that so much! I love you Nicholas!
Andrew Bennett and Matt Hedin:
Andrew- I will always and forever be proud of the moment when a member of the USU Spirit Squad pointed up at me and Shandee through the entire student section AND we saw it! haha that was a great game! Umm, I'm glad we had class together and I'm glad you came to our apartment to play card games! I hope you passed Interior Design so you can keep your scholarship and stay on the team! Let me know if you did! I hope I'll see you around campus next year!
Mattie- You're probably one of the best volleyball players I've seen! I loved being on teams with you because you are way good but you also made it fun! I've thought you were cute since Day 1 of class, but seriously, who wouldn't?! You're a doll! I'm glad we became friends this year!
James Jeremy Maughan: Definitely had a little crush on you upon meeting you at Thanksgiving! But then you went and cuddled with my roommate the entire weekend.... sooo that killed that a little bit! haha but your family is seriously so incredible! I loved being invited to share the holiday with them because I love them dearly! Thanks for making me feel welcome and for watching Avengers with me :)
Jared Woodcox, Colton Critchlow, Jarod Jensen:
Jared- You sing beautifully! Honestly I could sit and listen to you play the guitar and sing all day! I love listening to your music when it comes on my iPod. Thanks for always inviting me to play volleyball, even if we didn't get along while playing. I think I've told you this story before, but my roommates and I would always talk about how adorable you were when you were teaching Sunday School! Shandee and I still love that you started speaking Spanish, mid-sentence! Love you Jare! Can't wait to see you again next school year!
Colt- I really appreciate your one liners! haha some of the things that come out of your mouth make me laugh so hard! And then you put you and Erin together and it's a riot! Also, I love that we share a love for Aaron Rogers and his team :)
J-Rod- You are a freaking babe! But I don't have to tell you how hot you are, you already know ;) Thanks for all of our late night chats and letting me tattoo various parts of your body with ridiculous girly tattoos! Can't wait to see you at the end of the summer! Love you!
Colton Thompson: Colt, Colty, C-Bass... I adore you! I've definitely been crushing on you since about the middle of January! Ever since the first day of class I would talk to Shandee on the way home about how cute you are! I loved hanging out with you this past year and all of the fun times we had! From hot tubbing, Valentine's Treats and Taco Tuesday, to playing Would You Rather to basketball and softball games, I had a blast! Thanks for dealing with mine and Shan's ridiculousness in class... We get a little immature when we're together! Can't wait to see you again next year darlin'!
Mikey Jacobson: DAD!! I love you!! Thanks for all of the wonderful times we've had together and for introducing me to Ren and Stimpy.... weirdest show I've ever seen in my life! Also, thanks for my One Direction calendar for my birthday, you're the best! I loved all of the celebrations we had together as well as our family dinners. I'm terribly sorry that we didn't invite you to BWW that last time that we went when you had to come and get my key! Hope you can eventually forgive me one day for that! I'm so happy for you and Emi and your engagement! I can't wait to see you guys again at the wedding this Summer! I'll definitely be seeing you!
Chase Bradley- Chase dearest, I adore you! I'm so sad that you had to move away to a different state, but hey, I'll be seeing you again! Thanks for always being there for me to talk to, no matter what time of the day or night it is! Thanks for letting me crash your kitchen when I had loads of homework do to my bomb procrastination skills! And thanks to you, I know I'll always have a movie buddy! Love you!
Dallin Whiting: Dall! I'm just really thankful that you moved in at semester! I also regret not becoming such good friends with you until the year was almost over! Buuuuut, I love the time that we've had together so far! If someone were to ask me to explain my ideal friend, you would be the definition! I love having you around and hanging out with you.... even if you do make fun of me most of the time... punk!! I'm sooo happy you decided to come to Vernal with us and you were able to put up with us all weekend! I'm super bummed that you are living so far away from me next year but be prepared to have me over on a daily basis! My girls will all be gone so I'm going to need you! Can't wait to see you at the farewells we have this Summer! 'MERICA! I love you Dall Pal :)
Andy Biesinger, Trent Griffiths, Dylan Cahoon, Michael & Stephen Lewis, Jonathan Downing:
Andy- I don't know why it took so long for me to get to know you... I'm sorry about that! Quite honestly, I could sit and listen to you and Dylan yell at each other all day! SOO freaking funny!
Trent- You are adorable! I'm glad I got to hang out in your apartment this past year and got to know you a little bit better! Good luck on your mission dear, you're going to rock it!
Dylan- I think we've talked about this before, but I'm sorry you and your roommates thought we hated you guys!! You were SO loud all the time and we would get annoyed, yes! But that didn't mean we hated you.... We just didn't really talk! Anyway, I'm glad we finally became friends! I loved when you would randomly pop into my apartment to say hi! OH! And I LOVE your Tom Brewer voice, even if none of my other roommates do! I could listen to it all day and still laugh just as hard as the first time! Hope you're having a blast in Oklahoma with the brothers! Can't wait to see you again next year!
Stephen- You are so stinking cute! Seriously, you Lewis brothers have some dang good genes running through your family! I'm glad you decided to come feed the ducks with me and the roomies! Oh and you're really good at gymnastics, especially the beam ;) If you don't know what I'm meaning by this or don't remember, I'll be way sad! Thanks for being a friend stud!
Jonathan- I know Shan and I have told you this before, but I will always laugh about that first ward prayer back from Christmas break! How we both commented on how cute we thought you were and how we wondered if you just moved in or not! Then Logan asked if you guys would introduce your room and we found out your name was Jonathan, the same as Shandee's ex! hahaha good memory for sure! But I honestly don't think I've met someone as sweet as you! You're always to kind and smiley to everyone! Also, I don't think I've ever met someone who studies as much as you, especially as a FRESHMAN! I loved meeting and playing with your bunny! And no worries, I've washed my blanket... it's now bunny pee free! Can't wait to see you again as well! Love you kid!
Michael- Ok Michael babe.... are you ready for a pretty big confession...? I've had a crush on you since you moved in upstairs! The only people I told about it were my roommates and Annie Knight! I didn't want Emi finding out because you dated her and that might have gotten a little awkward, but hey, she's engaged now! So now it doesn't matter, right? Right! Aside from crushing, I loved hanging out with you this year! You're so flirty and fun to be around! You definitely know how to make me laugh and I love it! Thanks for all the fun times that we've had together! I'm looking forward to making so many more memories this next school year! Hope you're having fun in Oklahoma, workin' hard! Love you bunches! :)

And last but not least, my AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, FABULOUS, WONDERFUL, MAGNIFICENT, ADORABLE, HILARIOUS, STUNNING ROOMMATES!! I honestly don't know how I got so lucky but I was blessed with the world's best roommates! I love them all so much and I can't imagine what my sophomore year would have been like without them! I consider them my sisters and very best, lifelong friends! Ladies, I love you with my whole heart!
Emi Soon To Be Jacobson: I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO GET MARRIED!! I am literally giddy with excitement every time I think about your wedding! I love you so freaking much Em! I am so glad we were placed in the same apartment together! I LOVE listening to you when you're on your computer looking at the humor boards on Pinterest! I could sit and laugh at you laughing at the computer all day! You can make me laugh harder than I've laughed before! Oh and thanks for introducing me to wonderful things such as Anchorman, Bride's Maids and Ren & Stimpy :) Can't wait to see you again, I love you!
Mia Baby: You are seriously the cutest thing ever! I love your giggle and how innocent you are! I am SO glad that you had to move at semester and you got placed with us! I honestly don't know how you function without sleeping, but seems to be working for you! Your random napping during the day would crack me up because we all would end up napping instead of doing anything productive, like homework! Mia, you're going to ROCK it in Portugal and I am sooo excited for you to serve! I'll miss you like crazy and you best believe I'm going to write you ALL the time and send you some bomb packages! I love and miss you so much my dear!
Cutie Erin: Boo, I don't know what I would have done this year without you! I shared so many secrets and stories with you! I came to you with all my problems and you helped me work through all of them! You've been there for me through all my tears, all my smiles, all my ups and all my downs! You always give the best advice and I loved talking to you about anything and everything because I know you'd genuinely listen to what I had to say! I love sitting on the couch for six hours straight with you doing absolutely nothing but watching Youtube videos and drinking juice barrels. I loved cuddling with you in the back of Josh's pick up truck! I loved driving all the way to Nibley just to get TruMoo's and cheap gas! I loved all of our late night road trips to the hospital in Brigham and to Ogden to take Mia to her sister! Thank you for introducing me to Mendon's May Day! It was way fun! I can't wait to see you again at your farewell and hopefully other times throughout this summer! I love you boo!
Shan: Shan, I love you so stinkin' much! I love that we have all these crazy and potentially awkward connections! When you added me on FB last summer and I saw your picture again, I panicked! So many thoughts went through my head like, "Will she even like me? Does she know I'm friends with Tara? Does she even know about Tara and Colby? Is she really a mean girl or is she actually way chill?" But I'm glad we came into the friendship without any preconceived notions about each other! Because I love the person that I got to know! I loved third wheeling it with you and Jon because even though it ended, I feel like it made the two of us that much closer as well! I loved hearing about all your Vernal stories and then meeting all the people from those stories! You have some pretty fantastic friends and a truly amazing family! I loved playing the first snowfall of the year with you. I loved having class with you so we could chat on the way home! I loved all of our late night McDonald's runs and playing volleyball with the boys at Oakridge! I am crying while typing this because I miss you and my other roomies so much, but I can't wait to see you all again! I love you so much Shandee girl! :)

Until Next Time, "
“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” -- A. A. Milne